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  Home / MQTT Labs


Portal for public SaaS MQTT labs based on MIMIC MQTT Simulator . Check the listing on the Eclipse Marketplace .

You can try it yourself for free (no registration/credit card required), then upgrade to a paid lab if you like it:

Demo Lab with Sparkplug sensors - FREE

Shared, read-only lab with 100 EON nodes with Sparkplug B sensors publishing unique Sparkplug messages with temperature telemetry to the public brokers TEST.MOSQUITTO.ORG and BROKER.HIVEMQ.COM as detailed in the Sparkplug / Eclipse Tahu specification .

NOTE: If you need to publish to your own MQTT broker, please see the paid labs on the left menu, or send an email request for your own lab to


This lab demonstrates real-time, dynamic, predictable, custom telemetry from many simulated sensors / EON nodes to MQTT subscriber clients or IoT applications in a Unified Namespace (Sparkplug B topic namespace). You control what each sensor sends. By having a quick, successful example, you will short-circuit integration of your own real Sparkplug-based devices into your IoT application.

  1. Access the lab here .

  2. See it in action in this 1-minute Youtube video .

  3. To change the temperature, select a running (green) EON node, then invoke the Demo menu to change the sensor11/XDK/temp tag. The first two menu items set a fixed temperature, the third invokes a dialog that lets you slide to select your unique temperature. Everything can be customized the way you want.

  4. See the temperature measurements change in real-time in your subscriber client.

Do you have questions? Maybe we answered them in the FAQ below. If not, contact our support team.

The power of MIMIC is not limited to this. If you have a scenario you need simulated, send e-mail to

The Lab

The MIMIC MQTT lab browser window shows red icons, each icon represents a simulated device (sensor, actuator, EON node). This is the equivalent of your real-world devices sitting on your lab bench. They are not doing anything.

Just like the real world, you need to configure each of the devices to publish telemetry to your broker. The pre-configured (green) devices are publishing to the public brokers mentioned above. You can check this by selecting an icon, then invoke the Edit -> Configure -> All MQTT Settings menu.

Subscriber clients

Test your subscriber applications by connecting to BROKER.HIVEMQ.COM.
For web-sockets client, use a SSL-connection to as detailed here . To see payloads, subscribe to topic spBv1.0/#

You can see published messages with a MQTT subscriber client , but since the messages are binary, you'll need one that decodes the Sparkplug protocol, eg.

NOTE: Since it is shared, other people may be changing values at the same time you are. Lab is reset to known state at any point, but usually at midnight EST. If you want your own lab with these limitations removed, you can rent it here.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: What will this cost me?

    A: The fixed cost for the MIMIC MQTT lab is indicated here. Well worth the savings in effort in seeing a third-party device publish to your IoT application in under 5 minutes.

  • Q: What about security / privacy?

    A: Any data you store in your MIMIC MQTT Lab is not accessible by any other users on our server.

  • Q: What next?

    A: This lab gives you a small successful step in connecting a few third-party sensors publishing real-time, dynamic, predictable, controllable telemetry to IoT applications in a matter of minutes. The next steps are up to you:

    1. You can build on what you learned to connect your own devices to your application;

    2. Change metrics for your simulated Sparkplug device as detailed here

    3. Explore our other free resources / videos to learn about solutions to common problems you will encounter in IoT development;

    4. You can rent a lab anytime you need to test different aspects of your application, or lease a longer-term MIMIC MQTT Simulator with more features;

    5. You can scale the deployment to as many devices as you need to test, demo, train your IoT Application.