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  Home / MQTT Labs


Portal for public SaaS MQTT labs based on MIMIC MQTT Simulator .

You can try it for free (no registration/credit card required), then upgrade to a paid lab if you like it:

Demo Lab for MQTT 5 - FREE

Shared, read-only lab with sensors publishing unique JSON messages with various telemetry to the public brokers BROKER.HIVEMQ.COM, BROKER.EMQX.IO that support the new MQTT 5 .

Access the lab here .

See it in action in this Youtube video . You'll see the MQTT 5 subscriber client receiving arbitrary custom telemetry with arbitrary custom MQTT 5 user properties.

Each group of 10 sensors goes to a different broker as indicated by the name on the first sensor. Pick the broker you want, then modify the simulation if you want. To change the temperature, select a running (green) sensor, invoke the Agent->Variables menu item, and change the temp variable.
See the temperature measurements change in real-time in your subscriber client.

Test your subscriber applications by connecting to either of the 2 brokers, eg. on BROKER.HIVEMQ.COM you can use a
web-sockets client with a SSL-connection to as detailed here . To see payloads, subscribe to topic mimic/#

For MQTT 5 you'll need a subscriber client that supports this new version, eg. the Paho C client or the MQTTX client .

NOTE: Since it is shared, other people may be changing values at the same time you are. Lab is reset to known state at any point, but usually at midnight EST. If you want your own lab with these limitations removed, you can rent it here. .